
Cases, clutches and shoppers are true tactile and visual experiences for those who receive the jewel. Packaging created to enhance collections by telling the story and values ​​of a brand.


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Alisa Box
Ariha Box
Asia Pouch
Aurora Box
Clio Chic Pouch
Clio Simple Pouch
Frida Pouch
Goccia Chic Pouch
Goccia Simple Pouch
Hira Pouch
Iris Chic Pouch
Iris Simple Pouch
Ivory Pouch
Jamila Box
Kira Chic Box
Kira Simple Box
Klea Pouch
Lucinda Box
Maika Pouch
Makayla Box
Minerva Chic Shopper
Minerva Lyx Shopper
Minerva Simple Shopper
Myrea Box
Olimpia Box
Penelope Medium Pouch
Penelope Small Pouch
Perla Pouch
Sveva Pouch
Urania Chic Box
Urania Simple Box